Saturday, August 29, 2015

Typology and I

There were two points from my Typology test results that I specifically wanted to talk about, as I found them very interesting..and maybe true..
INTJs are perfectionists, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes their interest.
Above you will see a quotation from my results. Perfectionist? Maybe. I prefer to think that I just like things done correctly..but doesn't everyone? Things can always be better. Your house can always be cleaner, your papers always stronger, your burritos always neater. Is that perfectionism? Maybe. I think it is just human nature.
I could, however, see this statement correlating with my writing techniques. I tend to edit..and edit...and edit. Constantly. Ruthlessly. I have been known to rewrite the same paper over a dozen times, the final result not being anything similar to the first. I just want it to be written as well as I can. So, to reiterate, you may call it perfectionism, but I call it human nature.
Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be the INTJ's Achilles heel.
This is the truest of all the statements in my results! This reflects my personal life as well as my writings. Never, ever, have I been able to write a positive writing piece that involves a personal relationship. I just can't do it. I am a very interpersonal person and I tend to write what I know, so it doesn't really fit together...
I think this test know me pretty well and I agree with the results!(:

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start for a reflection. Remember to define the terms for your audience as the type indicator defines them. Assume your audience is not aware of this information. ~Ms. A.
