Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Can you say awkward?(/.\)

Some of my best, and worst, moments seem to be happening at work lately. Possibly because I seem to live there now. Memorable moments can be happy, some can be sad, and some can just be plain..awkward!I've decided to take today to write about what may have been the most awkward moment in my life. Why did I choose to write about this? I haven't a clue.  Will I regret telling you all this? That is quite probable. Here goes nothing!
To defend myself before I tell you about this event, being out of high school has made me lose track of what day of the week is. I generally just know the hours I work, but not often do I know whether it’s Monday, Tuesday, and so forth.
Alright, now that I have defended myself, let us begin the journey into my humiliation.
I had opened that morning with my manager and it was probably around 10:30 am when this fairly attractive young male came in. I, working drive thru had to deal with said male. Oh, Darn! Trying to be friendly, I started a conversation with him, or rather I attempted to, until my mouth opened and the words started coming out.Of all the things I could have said, or of all the days I could have said it, I chose that day to say something along the lines of “ Shouldn’t you be in school?” Seems innocent enough, right? Wrong! He just looks at me and says “I would, except it’s Saturday..” I died a little at that moment. Here is this young male talking to me, and I decided to say one of the dumbest things I could have said to him. To make matters worse, my manager heard it all and has to this day not let me live it down…
I have now learned to keep track of the days of the week!

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