I’ve got a feeling that my peers are highly religious,based on a few examples that follow: Ezra’s question “What role(s) does/do spirituality play in your life?”; Jenna’s comment “That would have to be the day I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. Ever since then I have been striving to be as Christlike as humanly possible. Life is still super rough sometimes but having God to lean on makes everything so much better.”; and a question from Brandon “What is your spirit animal? Search deep into your soul and see what animal calls to you, and that will be your spirit animal?” These are just a few examples. I chose this particular aspect of my classmate because I am not, nor have i ever been, a religious person, however, I like to see and hear about the process in which others think,and spirituality brings out a lot of thought. I think the level of maturity in this class will allow for discussions on topics like this.
I’ve also noticed that their are a lot of athletes in our class, which is something I never was in school, as I was always sick.However, I did/do play hockey and so it is something I can relate to. There seems to be strong emotions from my peers when talking about their sports and hobbies, and I feel that surrounding myself with those emotions will help me incorporate my own feelings into my writing.
I’ve noticed a lot of quirks in each individual; quirks that I think may change my perspective, or at least open my mind, to other things in the world. I am excited to see what this class has in store.
Good. If you were going to describe our audience as a person, what characteristics would there be in this individual? If we are not all spiritual, is the audience spiritual? How should the audience be considered? ~Ms. A.