Thursday, October 1, 2015


Within the 25 posts that I've been assigned to do in this class, I feel like I've learned a lot. Some of my posts aren't quite as in depth and meaningful as the others, but sometimes I'm just not as in depth as other times. Sometimes I think about things deeply and I get fired up and just want to rant, which is something that this assignment allowed me to do. Other times, I don't really have a lot to say, so I just discuss whatever is on my mind or about whatever I happen to see. For example, the rolling animal video. Ha, still gets me.
I don't know for sure if I did this assignment as the professor wanted me to, I like to think I did, but I do know I learned a lot from it and it helped me. I tend to think a lot and I don't really know how to get it all out. I have lots of things to rant about, but no one to listen. This blog helped. I could talk about whatever, to no one. There is not really a specific audience, aside from the class. I don't know who, if anyone, will read this. And that's okay with me. At least I got the thoughts out, and I learned that if you get them out, it is easier to think about them. Putting them down on paper allows for one to think about them in an organized way. At least it did for me.
I learned that it's okay to just write, not thinking, just complete and utter freeflowing thoughts. Some of my posts I backed up with facts, others I just ranted. Had I needed to do an essay on one of these topic, having my opinions written down makes it easier to go through and organize my thoughts.
I plan to continue to blog, maybe not everyday. I don't know how often. Although, the fact that I had to think about something everyday for a short period of time was helpful. It allowed me to relax and de-stress. Get my mind out of work mode and just..think. I hope I'm making sense.
I enjoyed this assignment and will definitely continue with it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's because I'm a girl...

" You can't do that, I'm a girl." " Never hit a girl."

Two examples of things I hear all the time. Two examples of something that irritates me. Here is season three of things that I think.

It is pounded into the heads of young men since day one, that it is not okay to lay a hand on a woman. Ever. Under any circumstance. I think that's stupid. If a female is gonna hit you, then there is no reason you can't defend yourself. Genitalia has nothing to do with anything. If you feel threatened, then you can defend yourself.

Instead of teaching people to "not hit her because she's a woman." how about we teach them not to hit anyone because there a person. No gender difference. No race difference. No difference. If you lay a hand on me, I'm going to defend myself. I'm not gonna sit there and take it because you happen to have a vagina. That's total BS. Obviously, that doesn't apply to me, because it's not considered wrong for a female to hit another female. Which, again, is wrong. A person should not hit another person. Plain and simple.

There should never be any cases of "you can't do that because you're a girl," or " you can't do that to me because I'm a girl" If you want to be treated equally, then that includes everything. Equality across the board.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cat spit.

Most will see this picture and respond with " OMG what  cute kitty!" I, on the other hand, shake my head in disgust. Here is season two, to my short series of things that may make me weird.

Before I begin, I should say that I have four cats, or rather my family does. They are sweet animals for the most part and I do love my cats for their personality. However, they are still disgusting animals.

The majority of cats relieve themselves in kitty-litter boxes, which are not cleaned on a day to day basis. Therefore, those cats are walking around in their own urine and feces. Yum! Not to mention that cat feces contains the T. gondii parasite, which if one's immune system cannot handle it, can cause flu-like systems, schizophrenia, or death. Sweet!!

You ever tried to give a cat a bath? It's nearly impossible. But, hang in there, they self clean...with their saliva. So, cats are covered in their own spit? Mmm delicious.

So, remember next time you cuddle up to your little furball, that your cuddling up to cat urine, feces, and spit. Yum!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Try to Understand

I feel like we all have little quirks about us, or things that we think, that others may not understand or agree with. I thought i'd write about some of mine. Maybe some people will see my point of few, others may judge it. That's  whatever. To each their own. This may turn into a mini series. We'll see where this goes.

    One thing that I strongly believe and could debate for hours, is that we need to try to understand the perspective of criminals. I don't believe people are born evil, or cruel. I don't believe people are born with the capability and desire to commit such heinous crimes. I think that for someone to bring themselves to do that, there is a reason. Whether it may be a personal experience that changed them or maybe a mental thing, there is a reason. We seem to be quick to judge out of anger, fear, and pain, which is understandable, however I feel we need to see their perspective. We seem to think that people who commit crimes are evil, hateful people, which isn't true, in my personal beliefs at least. We just need to try to see everyone's perspective, yes what they did is wrong. Yes they need to be punished. no they are not evil. Try to understand.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

I'm not scared

I feel like we are often put down by others and by ourselves as well. We are told we can't do certain things, as if we aren't good enough to. It makes it kinda hard to dream when you have those ideas in your head. But, the words from others shouldn't affect us. We are capable of whatever we push ourselves to do, not the limits that others put on us. We need to face our dreams unafraid, unbreakable, and with all of our heart. We can only be broke by what we allow to break us. Are we willing to give up our hopes and dreams because of what others say? I know I'm not. I've gotten a lot of hate as I've been growing. I admit it broke me back then, but I realized that there are things in life that I want, and that I cannot achieve them if I am afraid of what everyone might think. I'm not afraid anymore. I am unbreakable. I think we all are. We have to open our hearts to the idea of living for ourselves, not by the ideas of others. Live life unbreakable.

Saturday, September 26, 2015


A little while back I tried to make a list of 100 things I like, which I will finish. Today is the exact opposite. Some of you may agree with a few things listed, some may just be my own personal ticks. anyways, here's a list of 100 things that aggravate me

  1. People who smack their food
  2. When people do half of what is asked of them, leaving the rest of the work for your's truly
  3. That my job assumes I have no life.
  4. Not having a life...
  5. Lopsided burrito folds
  6. people who ask for water cups and then get pop
  7. People who sit in line waiting to order, and then don't know what they want at the counter
  8. Liberry!
  9. the fact that bobbypins are everywhere, yet I can never find them
  10. Uneven makeup! Because making it perfectly match is not possible,. it's not a thing.
  11. People who tell me to clean my car, I don't have time for that! It's my car, back off.
  12. People who think they can pick the music in my car
  13. Clothing that is dry clean only
  14. "jif" instead of "gif"
  15. when my phone updates
  16. People telling me i have no excuses
  17. when other people zip up my jacket or hoodie..or anything of the like
  18. when girls wear a face of makeup but no mascara
  19. the " Do you know your shoes/socks dont match?"
  20. Taking my makeup the night before an early shift
  21. voicmails
  22. Yolo, fleek, hashtag...
  23. people trying to make convo when I am obviously avoiding them
  24. creepy looks at work
  25. bad grammer
  27. short jokes
  28. loud breathe
  29. awkward eye contact.
  30. people who stand to close
  31. duck face,
  32. elderly people make jokes about my generation
  33. people who complain about what I post on social media, yet continue to follow me.
  34. people who talk to me while I have my headphones in
  35. the discrimination against tats and piercings
  36. being called miss or ma'am
  37. People who assume that I have time to clean the bath room, lobby, and lot every 5 minutes
  38. Carmel...Caramel!! 
Im out of irritants at this moment...TBC~~

Friday, September 25, 2015

Colour Me Inspirational

I guess this is a pretty common thought, eh? Drawing to express one's self? It's kind of a typical thing. I guess I'm just typical,yes? I really do enjoy drawing. Calligraphy is my favourite, it's the one that I like to think I've gotten good at. I think art in itself, whether it's music or writing or anything of the sort, is a great way to express who you are as a person; to express your thoughts and feelings. I don't remember what I was feeling at the time of these creations, which may be the point. Using art to get your thoughts and feelings out so they don't constantly drive you insane. Sometimes works of art come out of your thoughts, other times its just lines and such thrown down to get it out of your system. Either works. It doesn't matter if you think you're "good" at it, or what anyone else thinks, what matters is that your get it out. I haven't gotten to draw recently. Like, at all. It kind of saddens me, but my writing assignments for school and my constantly busy schedule seems to leave me thoughtless. All I think about is sleeping and burritos. Maybe I could draw a burrito, or a taco. That'd be cute, eh? don't be surprised if you see a mexican food picture in the future.