Saturday, September 26, 2015


A little while back I tried to make a list of 100 things I like, which I will finish. Today is the exact opposite. Some of you may agree with a few things listed, some may just be my own personal ticks. anyways, here's a list of 100 things that aggravate me

  1. People who smack their food
  2. When people do half of what is asked of them, leaving the rest of the work for your's truly
  3. That my job assumes I have no life.
  4. Not having a life...
  5. Lopsided burrito folds
  6. people who ask for water cups and then get pop
  7. People who sit in line waiting to order, and then don't know what they want at the counter
  8. Liberry!
  9. the fact that bobbypins are everywhere, yet I can never find them
  10. Uneven makeup! Because making it perfectly match is not possible,. it's not a thing.
  11. People who tell me to clean my car, I don't have time for that! It's my car, back off.
  12. People who think they can pick the music in my car
  13. Clothing that is dry clean only
  14. "jif" instead of "gif"
  15. when my phone updates
  16. People telling me i have no excuses
  17. when other people zip up my jacket or hoodie..or anything of the like
  18. when girls wear a face of makeup but no mascara
  19. the " Do you know your shoes/socks dont match?"
  20. Taking my makeup the night before an early shift
  21. voicmails
  22. Yolo, fleek, hashtag...
  23. people trying to make convo when I am obviously avoiding them
  24. creepy looks at work
  25. bad grammer
  27. short jokes
  28. loud breathe
  29. awkward eye contact.
  30. people who stand to close
  31. duck face,
  32. elderly people make jokes about my generation
  33. people who complain about what I post on social media, yet continue to follow me.
  34. people who talk to me while I have my headphones in
  35. the discrimination against tats and piercings
  36. being called miss or ma'am
  37. People who assume that I have time to clean the bath room, lobby, and lot every 5 minutes
  38. Carmel...Caramel!! 
Im out of irritants at this moment...TBC~~

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