Saturday, September 12, 2015


I used to be a fairly pessimistic person, but I'm working on it.There are things in life that matter and there are things that don’t. Why surround yourself with negativity? That being said, I'm not gonna preach that life is always great, because unpleasant  things do happen. I like to think that there is a negative and positive perspective to everything. I think there's pros and cons, shades of gray you could say, and it's really up to you where you put yourself in,. Although a heartfelt notion, telling people to "look for the positive" doesn't always help.There are times, when you just to allow yourself to experience the sadness; the feeling of lost.  and your friends are like "come on, be happy" Although that is supportive and an all around great quality in a friend..that's not always what you need. Sometimes you need to allow yourself to live in that moment, to feel that sadness,  so you, and you alone,can show yourself that in spite  of how low you feel you can always rise out of it..but not at that moment...sometimes you need to let yourself be upset, to let yourself feel alone,and don't let anything influence it; just focus your attention on that feeling so that you can rise out of it on your own terms.If you are always pulled out of those feelings by others, than I don’t think you will ever truly be out of it. No one but you is feeling what you are feeling, therefore no one but you can help yourself through them.when you are ready, then you can find your happy place. you can truly be happy.

Obviously people feel things differently, and will go through those feelings differently..That was just my outlook on it.


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